Careers at elmplastic

As a regional employer in the international market for pharmaceutical primary packaging, we offer a wide range of tasks, exciting challenges and a dynamic work environment. Together with our employees, we try to get better every day - for our customers and the people who use our products. We are looking for employees who want to become part of our interdisciplinary team, showing enthusiasm, specialist knowledge and a sense of responsibility. Please find below open positions or send your initiative application.

Start your career with us

Mitarbeiter Qualitätssicherung (m/w/d)
Vollzeit (40 Std./Woche)
Maschinen- und Anlagenführer (m/w/d)
Vollzeit (40 Std./Woche)
Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d)
Vollzeit (40 Std./Woche)
Maschinenreiniger (m/w/d)
Teilzeit (4 Std./Woche)
06:00 - 10:00 Uhr samstags

Corporate Benefits

Personal Development

We are in­vest­ing in your fu­ture! Through reg­u­lar train­ing, cus­tomized coach­ing, and ex­cit­ing pro­jects, we help you de­vel­op your skills and to grow con­tin­u­ous­ly.

High-Quality Workwear

With us, you re­ceive com­fort­able, high-qual­ity work­wear, per­fectly tai­lored to meet your daily work needs. Com­fort meets func­tion­ality for your best per­form­ance!

Free Parking

Take ad­van­tage of our free park­ing right at the front of the com­pa­ny! We aim to make your com­mute as con­ve­nient as pos­si­ble so you can start your work­day stress-free. No park­ing wor­ries here!

Vacation and Christmas Bonus

Our flex­i­ble va­ca­tion poli­cies are com­ple­ment­ed by va­ca­tion and Christ­mas bonus­es. The amount is based on your length of ser­vice with the com­pa­ny.

Company Pension Plan & Capital-Forming Benefits

We of­fer an at­trac­tive com­pa­ny pen­sion plan, al­low­ing you to start prepar­ing for your re­tire­ment to­day. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, we sup­port you with cap­i­tal-build­ing ben­e­fits to help you achieve your fi­nan­cial goals faster.

Health Management

Our com­pre­hen­sive health man­age­ment pro­gram sup­ports you in stay­ing fit and healthy. From pre­ven­tion pro­grams to in­di­vid­u­al health checks, we cre­ate the best con­di­tions for your phys­i­cal and men­tal well-be­ing!

Overtime Compensation

With us, you have a choice: you can ei­ther re­ceive pay­ment for over­time worked or con­vert it in­to ad­di­tion­al va­ca­tion time. This al­lows you to re­ward and struc­ture your per­for­mance ac­cord­ing to your needs!

Bike Leasing

Our bike leas­ing pro­gram of­fers mul­ti­ple ben­e­fits for you: se­cure at­trac­tive tax ad­van­tages and save mon­ey com­pared to buy­ing di­rect­ly. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, it al­so en­hances your fit­ness, sup­ports the en­vi­ron­ment through sus­tain­able mo­bil­i­ty, and pro­vides pure rid­ing joy!

Team Events

We reg­u­lar­ly or­ga­nize team events to strength­en team spir­it and cre­ate won­der­ful mo­ments with col­leagues. To­geth­er, we fos­ter an in­spir­ing com­pa­ny cul­ture!

Long-Term Perspective

At our com­pa­ny, you’ll find a long-term per­spec­tive with di­verse ca­reer op­por­tu­ni­ties and de­vel­op­ment op­tions. Here, you can con­tin­u­ous­ly ex­pand your skills and achieve your pro­fes­sion­al goal­s—y­our ca­reer, your way.

Premium Pay for Night, Sunday, and Holiday Shifts

We of­fer at­trac­tive pre­mi­ums for night, Sun­day, and hol­i­day shifts to en­sure your ef­forts are fi­nan­cial­ly re­ward­ed. We val­ue your flex­i­bil­i­ty and com­mit­men­t — it's what makes the dif­fer­ence!

5-Day Work Week

We al­so of­fer shift work­ers the op­tion of a 5-day work week from Mon­day to Fri­day, al­low­ing you am­ple time for rest and leisure. This way, you can bal­ance work and per­son­al life ef­fec­tive­ly.

Teamspirit, know-how & engineering

Our greatest asset: our interdisciplinary team

As a competent industry specialist, we advise our customers holistically from the start of development to series production. Our goal is the mutual success for us as manufacturers, pharmacists and patients. The world-class quality of our products can only be achieved and maintained thanks to our skilled and qualified employees, who think out of the box and work with precision for the best results.

Reliability, trust, and transparency are the foundation of the collaboration within our interdisciplinary team as well as with our partners. We believe that good products can only be created in a healthy and stable work environment. That is why we are looking for long-term relationships with our employees that allow for mutual growth.

What you can expect from us

  • wide range of tasks in a dynamic work environment
  • good working atmosphere in a family-owned company
  • corporate health management
  • company pension scheme with individual design options
  • permanent employment contract
  • continuous salary development

Top Company Award: Kununu 2024

qualified for the best possible working environment

Since 2015, kununu has been awarding a seal of quality to those companies that have been rated particularly well on the platform. The award recognizes employers on kununu who offer their employees the best possible working environment and thus contribute to their satisfaction.

working for health

Your initiative application

We are looking forward to your application. Please provide your contact details and upload your CV. After reviewing your application, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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